In this article we show you a program that will simulate the shuffling of a deck of cards
(function () { var cardWeights = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"]; var cardTypes = ["Spades", "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs"]; var cards = new Array(); function card(cardType, weight) { this.cardType = cardType; this.weight = weight; }; function CreateDeck() { cardTypes.forEach(function (type) { cardWeights.forEach(function (weight) { cards.push(new card(type, weight)); }); }); }; function getRandomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } function shuffleDeck(shuffleCnt) { for(var i = 0; i < shuffleCnt; i++) { var rndNo = getRandomInt(0, 51); var card = cards[i]; cards[i] = cards[rndNo]; cards[rndNo] = card; } } CreateDeck(); console.log(cards); shuffleDeck(getRandomInt(10, 25)); console.log(cards); })();
In the javascript console you will see something like this
Array(52) [ {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, … ] debugger eval code:35:13 (52) […] 0: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "7" } 1: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "2" } 2: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "1" } 3: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "J" } 4: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "2" } 5: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "J" } 6: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "J" } 7: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "9" } 8: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "Q" } 9: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "5" } 10: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "K" } 11: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "8" } 12: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "K" } 13: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "3" } 14: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "5" } 15: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "3" } 16: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "4" } 17: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "5" } 18: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "6" } 19: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "7" } 20: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "8" } 21: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "9" } 22: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "10" } 23: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "7" } 24: Object { cardType: "Hearts", weight: "Q" } 25: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "6" } 26: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "1" } 27: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "2" } 28: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "3" } 29: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "4" } 30: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "10" } 31: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "6" } 32: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "7" } 33: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "Q" } 34: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "9" } 35: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "10" } 36: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "4" } 37: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "8" } 38: Object { cardType: "Diamonds", weight: "K" } 39: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "1" } 40: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "2" } 41: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "3" } 42: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "4" } 43: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "5" } 44: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "6" } 45: Object { cardType: "Spades", weight: "1" } 46: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "8" } 47: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "9" } 48: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "10" } 49: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "J" } 50: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "Q" } 51: Object { cardType: "Clubs", weight: "K" }